Utilizing nature to create a zero impact, zero waste, carbon positive, completely self sustainable eco system,
... producing fresh organic fruits , vegetables, fish, crayfish & energy - In our backyard.

Welcome to our adventure ...

Aquaponics is a natural eco-system, which organically produces vegetables, fish & crayfish. It is the integration of fish cultivation, aquaculture, with hydroponic plant production.

Fish wastes are 'filtered' by natural bacteria producing a rich nutrient source for the plants. The plants utilize these nutrients for growth, thus purifying the water to then be returned to the fish. This continuous cycle is what happens in a nature.

Aquaponics has many advantages including, requiring much less space than traditional farming methods, highly efficient food productive method - potentially higher than hydoponics, with zero environmental impact.

- No chemical fertiliser's, pesticides, insecticides or soil conditioners are used.

- Zero water waste. All water is constantly purified by the plants and recirculated back to the fish.

- 100% of all nutrients are used, creating two crops from one nutrient source - the fish food.

- 100% of wastes generated are utilized on site through filters that feed the plants. Worm composts & Black Soldier Fly's are utilized for all vegetable off cuts and house hold waste's, creating natural healthy fish food source's. Worm & BSF castings being used for enhancing soil condition.

- As a source of protein, fish are the most efficient convertors out of all our farmed animals, achieving feed to flesh conversion efficiency close to 100%.

Aquaponics is a 100% natural eco-system.

PVA has also incorporated a totally off grid solar power installation, supplying power for the system, work shed and computers.

Black Soldier Fly Harvester - DIY

I've finished the first Black Soldier Fly Harvester.

 Soldier fly larvae will be used to supplement pellet fish foods.


  1. How did this work out? I'm looking to do this for our AP system in our 30x50 greenhouse.

  2. I would recommend a BSF harvester to everyone. Although our Australian Silver Perch do not go crazy for them, the chickens do ! You then use the BSF liquid waste as a fertilizer for the plants. I intend to make a 2nd one soon.
